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Friday, July 20, 2012

Marching On

I don’t understand.  I really don’t understand.  I got up around 7:15 this morning, jumped online, and the first story on Yahoo’s homepage was about a guy that opened fire at a midnight showing of Batman in Aurora, CO and I’m furious.  Of course my heart weeps for the families that lost loved ones, and I ache for those that sustained injuries.  But I am flat out angry because movie-going has always been associated with freedom, fun and family.  We go to the movies to escape our real lives.  We go to bond with friends.  And as artists we go to support those on the screen, to charge our creative batteries, and to get inspired.  We look forward to these opportunities to feed our dreams and all that may have been ruined by one person.  I just don’t get it.  The movies.  Is nothing off limits anymore?  Is anything still sacred?  The movies?  I don’t understand.  And as I search for answers I’m left a little empty and hollow.  What specific events have to unfold in a person’s life to lead them to such an act?  What’s at the root of their unhappiness?  Was it a series of unfortunate events that forced them to “snap,” or was it a single moment that sent them over the edge?  I don’t know, and I probably will never know.  But something has to change; and its incidents like this that make me want to crusade for goodness all the more.  Not to get all “after school special” on you, but I’m a firm believer that it begins at home with the parents.  And please know that I’m not blaming the parents of James Holmes – I have no right to go there.  Right now I’m speaking in general terms and I’m using myself as an example.  I know for a fact that I am who I am today as a direct effect of my upbringing, and more specifically as a direct effect of my parental interactions.  I’ve got no doubt about that.  And though I’ve never had the inkling to bring harm to large groups of people, I have carried lots of anger with me for many years – and that’s not good.

Gosh, am I rambling?  This Colorado business has really got me on one.  Perhaps I should have formed my thoughts a bit better before taking to this blog – but such is life.

All I know is if I’m serious about affecting real change in this world, I’ve got my hands full – but it’s not impossible.  I refuse to let Mr. Holmes’ actions destroy my spirit.  I won’t do it.  I will take a moment to mourn and reflect and then I’m back to work, and I know that I’m not alone.  This country is filled with many people doing great work to help heal and uplift the world and I remain encouraged by them.  They are the soldiers that I have chosen to march with and I couldn’t be happier.

My name is Jasmynne Shaye, and this is me STEPPING ON A FEW TOES.

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