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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Force It

Sometimes right in the middle of chaos, mass hysteria and confusion you just have to DO.  Do something that makes no sense.  Do something that you wouldn’t ordinarily do if the oceans were calm and you were thinking straight.  Do something that you would never do without complete and thorough planning.  Sometimes you just gotta DO.

“If you build it, they will come.”

“If you take a step, the ground will appear.”

Neither are phrases that I’ve coined, but I’m sure you’ve heard them (or something similar) before.  And what’s all the talk about?  Doing.  The talk is about doing.  The talk is about making something – no – FORCING something to happen.  Using your own power, your own might, your own creativity, your own sweat and your own drive to shake things up and literally force something to happen.  Aren’t you sick of waiting for “the right time”?  Aren’t you tired of “getting ready”?  Haven’t you had enough of watching others conquer their fears and accomplish their goals?  With every step they take they get one inch closer to realizing their dreams?  You’ve got to be sick of that by now.

Reality TV sucks.  We all know by now that there’s nothing “real” about it.  It’s cheap in every sense of the word; TV’s version of Doritos, if you will.  Taste one and you want them all.  Have them all and suffer the guilt later.  But I’ll speak up for a few shows out there that are giving everyday people the opportunity to achieve their dreams.  I get inspired when I see a seventeen year old dancer on So You Think You Can Dance dancing with perfect technique and all the passion in the world.  Or when I see a twenty-three year old designer on Project Runway that could go head-to-head with Zac Posen.  That’s inspiring to me!  How could it not be!?!  Then I get to scratching my head and asking myself how they’ve managed to get so far so quickly.  How are they so young and so talented that they are now able to showcase their skill on such a major platform?  Why am I not there?  What have they done differently?  And the answer I got was a simple one.  They DID, and they never stopped doing.  When life got crazy; they did.  When the shit hit the fan; they did.  When they were uncertain of their next move; they did.  That’s why they are where they are.  That’s how they got there.  They got there by doing.

So of course it’s caused me to do a gut-check, and it’s made me reevaluate how I spend my time.  I’ve said it once, but it’s worth saying again.  There’s only twenty-four hours in a day.  How are you spending yours?

My name is Jasmynne Shaye, and this is me STEPPING ON A FEW TOES.

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