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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Microphone Check

A couple things are going on this week. (1) I will appear as a guest on a radio show this Friday, March 16th and (2) Saturday, March 17th is my birthday – most will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, but I will be celebrating the day my mom pushed me from her loins. TMI? Sorry…

So this radio show gig… Well the organization is called RARE WOMAN and here is a little about them: Two outspoken, career women host Rare Woman. They share the same parents and are two sides of the same coin. A forum for conversation both dipped in worldly ideas and thoughts and draped in Godly faith and understanding. Whatever the topic La Roya and Vivienne each bring their own Rare Woman point of view. Their most passionate topics include women, couples (married or single), teens, children and relative topics of the day. They invite callers to speak openly about their experiences, thoughts or feelings from today’s (perhaps unknowing- yet) rare women!

I will be on the show discussing STEPPING ON A FEW TOES and my journey through abuse to healing. It is an opportunity for me to share my story on a global platform and that excites me.

If you’re interested and are able, you can listen live (4pm pst) this Friday via this link: , Channel 2

This will be my first radio interview and I’m thrilled to be losing my virginity to RARE WOMAN. I think they are a wonderful organization doing worthwhile work, and I just hope to inspire at least one individual with my story. I’m definitely looking forward to it!

And my birthday…well, duh?? Who’s not excited about their birthday?? I’m looking forward to receiving lots of love, lots of gifts, and lots of hugs. But I’m mostly excited about the gifts. Actually I’m mostly excited about the money. Yeah, if you were going to get me an iPad or some such – just give me the money instead. If you were gonna get me a new pair of heels…just give me the money instead. If you were gonna get me – well…you see my point.

My name is Jasmynne Shaye, and this is me STEPPING ON A FEW TOES.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shaye!

    Money money? okok i will send you for your birthday just money, no yates, no jets, no ferraris okok


    mexico city
