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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New Chapter :: New York

I was once told that seven is the number of completion.  As of March 7, 2012 I have been living in Los Angeles for seven years.  I believe in my heart that a chapter of my life closed that day and a new one began on the next.  This new chapter comes with a little anxiety as I have no idea where these new roads are meant to take me.  I’ve not had a chance to look at the plot points of this new section, but I am excited.  I’m excited because I feel like it’s a fresh start of sorts.  But this fresh start brings with it all the wisdom gained over the past seven years.  Not a bad place to be. 

This past Sunday I met (via phone) a guy in PR in New York that showed some interest in me and my show.  We spoke very briefly, but I sent him a media packet and will be on pins and needles waiting to see what he thinks of the DVD.  Whether he is able to provide me any assistance or not, I still get the warm-n-fuzzies just because my info is in the hands of someone in New York – but not just anyone.  Someone in the business and someone that knows others in the business.  That alone puts a little smile on my face.  But I’ll be honest, I can’t help but wonder if New York will play a role in this new chapter of my life.  Something tells me it just might…

My name is Jasmynne Shaye, and this is me STEPPING ON A FEW TOES.


  1. We never know exactly what God's plans for our lives are so just in case...always keep a packed suitcase in the closet!! I interviewed for a job in NYC and I own my own company here in LA. They said it's mine whenever I want to move. Faith in God...

  2. Roommates? What'd you say? Start my car? What? We can be on the 405 in an hour? Justin, you better stop talkin' crazy before we both waving goodbye to LA. Don't play.

  3. New York, New York!
    I wish you the best of luck, Jasmynne!
    And enjoy your pins and needles! New York is a beautiful city (not Times Square though!!).
    Keep us updated on the developments! If you're bringing your show to New York I'll be first in line!
    Have a nice weekend, Jasmynne!

  4. Thank you, Jay! I will definitely keep you posted! Until then, I'll be sitting over here with all my fingers and toes crossed! :-)

    Happy Friday (the 13th) to you!
