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Friday, April 6, 2012

I Am Worth It

I’m writing today on the heels of another great conversation with another great friend. I found out last evening that a college friend and former dance partner of mine has been dealing with serious health issues for the past several years. Reading the email I received from her brought tears to my eyes because (1) I would never want anyone to go through what she’s dealing with, (2) it crushed me to know that someone in my age range is dealing with so many serious health complications, (3) my former dance partner is having to learn how to walk again. I can’t imagine not being able to dance. I just can’t. So as I cried for her last night I also cried for myself because I’d suddenly been given yet another dose of perspective. I’ve been complaining since late December about a list of things. Things that have suddenly made my life a little more complicated than I’m used to, and I’ve been wallowing in my misery, upset with my inability to make decisions and upset with the universe for dealing me a dose of molded lemons. I’ve been sad. I’ve been angry. I’ve been furious. Then I get this email…and it’s as if a finger snapped. “Jaz, are you serious?!?!” I experienced a minor finder-binder last August and that was the first time I’ve seen the inside of a hospital since…what – since I was in elementary school? And even that was due to a sprained ankle. You see where I’m going with this? The value of health. When you REALLY take a moment to sit down and think about it, what is your health worth? Honestly? And all those other things we complain about… Perspective. That’s all I’m saying.

What I really wanted to talk about was that phone conversation I had with my friend. Before I do; can I just say how much I love my friends? Really. I’m not gonna name names, but the ones that I hold near and dear already know who they are and they each mean the world to me. I absolutely LOVE my friends!

So this conversation… I shared with him my most recent bit of inner turmoil – deathly afraid of failure, always afraid of making the wrong decision...and I swear he was like a genie in a bottle! His words of wisdom to be were:
“You become what you focus on. You’re not focused on the art; you’re focused on the fear of failure.
Focus on what you are. Focus on what you have.
Slow down and celebrate your own success.
You are stronger than most men.
You will find that you will continue to reach certain levels of success but you still won’t be happy. HAPPINESS has to be a goal and a focus of yours; not just the success.
Get to a place where you can appreciate yourself. Appreciate YOU!”

The gems were dripping from his tongue so quickly that I had to grab a pen and take notes. Whew! Uggghhh!!! Talk about kicked my butt!?!? GoodNESS! So between the email and the phone conversation, I got set straight in a major way. I realize that changing my thought process won’t happen overnight, but I’m committed to making the change. My health depends on it, and I am totally worth it.

My name is Jasmynne Shaye, and this is me STEPPING ON A FEW TOES.

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