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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

One Hundred and Twenty Percent

Happy birthday to my mother!!!  Today is her special day!  Yaay, mom!

Moving on…

Can I just tell you?  Sometimes you just be tired.  Incorrect grammar and all.  Just flat out tired.  My gosh!  I told myself that I would always do my best to keep it positive on this page, but sometimes you just need to vent.  Get it off your chest.  And half-way through this bit I might erase it all and start from scratch, but for now I just need to type.  Type without censoring myself and without caring who might read this.  Perhaps this is more of a diary entry than anything…

I LOVE teamwork.  When it works and when the people are good, it can be some of the most rewarding work a person can do.  And when everyone is working on one accord, focused on their task with a spirit of excellence it can be come of the most fun work you’ll ever do too.  True teamwork focuses on each individual’s strengths to maximize productivity so you end up doing something that you’re good at – which is awesome.  The lines of communication are wide open and even though you’ve been given your delegated list, you always know you can call on a buddy for assistance if need be.  :::: deep breath :::: exhale ::::  It really doesn’t get much better.  You have a sense of independence as you work on your delegated tasks, yet there is a sense of camaraderie because you’re helping others achieve a bigger goal.  Man!  It’s really something!  Work becomes fun, and your team members become your family.  It truly is one for all and all for one.

I worked on one of the most amazing teams once.  At the helm was the three musketeers:  Lori Rose, Julie Rogers, and me.  We were unstoppable.  We worked like dogs and loved every second of it.  We would except nothing less than A+ work and we took pride in being that meticulous and detail oriented.  Lori later sat me down and let me know that we were the exception.  She said it is rare that a team ever gels that seamlessly; no arguments, no back-stabbing, no belittling.  She said we’d stumbled upon something pretty special, and it was likely that we’d never find such a unit ever again.  It’s unfortunate, but I think she was right.  Why don’t people give a shit?  What happened to wanting to create something you’re truly proud of?  What happened to, “If my name is attached to it I want it to be the best possible representation of me I can muster.”?  What happened to giving a damn?  What happened to planning?  What happened to having a Plan B and Plan C – just in case?  What happened to spending some extra time to cross all T's and dot all I's even though you think it’s already been done?  What happened to making lists?  What happened to asking someone if you’re unsure?  What happened to quality?  And I’ll leave it right there.

Maybe I’m a perfectionist for my own good, or to my own detriment.  Who knows.  But I am sick and tired of working with people that have absolutely no integrity, no work ethic, and no pride in what they are doing.  I’ve said enough.  Just know that if you ever ask for my involvement, no matter the project, no matter the circumstance, should I say ‘yes’ I’m signing on to give 120%.  That’s who I am.  That’s how I operate.  If you don’t operate in that realm – don’t invite me to come on board.  You’ll need to find another slacker that shares your sentiment for mediocre work.  I am not the one. 

My name is Jasmynne Shaye, and this is me STEPPING ON A FEW TOES.


  1. Whoa!!! I love it. I'm a witness to your 120% work ethic and though I'm a perfectionist and workaholic you truly amaze and motivate me to do even better. Thanks for your gifts of dedication and hardwork. It's not going unnoticed my luv!

  2. If ever I had one, you are indeed my brother from another mother. Love you more than Snickers!
