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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Are You Making the Grade?

If you don't already have one, you need to put on your shoes and head to your nearest bulk-supply superstore RIGHT NOW. Because if you want the respect of your peers, your subordinates, your children and/or those in any position of authority you will be in desperate need of this. I'm talking about a spirit of excellence. The notion that if you're going to bother to do something (anything) you always do it with the intention of receiving an A+, even when there is no grade at stake. And get your head out of your hineys; this goes far beyond a day job or whatever it is you do to earn money. If that's the only place you're applying your A+ attitude, shame on you. You're a fake and that's not enough. Harsh words? My apologies, but I'll tell you why.

If you're only interested in pleasing or “impressing” your boss/earning a dollar you're so missing the boat that it's not even funny. That's work you're getting paid to do. I would hope you'd give your all and devote every ounce of mental energy when appropriate. But does that have to be the only person that you're “showing off” for? Because that's what it looks like to me. You treat your romantic partner any kind of way, and half-a$$ it around the house all day. Why don't they deserve your best as well? Yeah, you got her flowers, but they're not even the ones she likes – the ones she's told you over and over again that are her favorites. Ok you washed his clothes. But thanks to you're fine work the entire load looks like it was dipped in Pepto-Bismol because you didn't make the extra effort to separate the whites and the colors. Of course everyone gets brownie points for making an effort, but why stop there? If you're intent is to put a smile on someone's face, why not go the extra mile to make sure they're grinning from ear to ear?

And what about your children? I mean, come on – what kind of example are you setting for them? You have to remember: they can't see you at the office. They have no clue what's really going on in your world from 9-5, but they see the mess you leave around the house. They see the clothing you leave strewn about, the items you're always misplacing, the refrigerator that hasn't been cleaned in ages, the grass that hasn't been cut since who knows when, the bills that don't get paid on time...they see all of that, and is that really the example that you want to set for your children? How on earth can you rightly tell them to put their best foot forward at school when you, in their opinion, can't get a handle on your own life. And you may swear up and down that I don't know what I'm talking about, or that kids don't think like that. You can swear all you want, but you'll still be wrong. Children see EVERYTHING. They hear EVERYTHING. And everything that they witness serves as their examples: from you, their peers, television... So be careful and take it seriously, because when you're scratching your head trying to figure out why your child is behaving the way they are, you really needn't look much farther than yourself.

But enough of that. Moving on...your children aren't the only ones watching everything you're doing. You're friends and associates have got their eyes on you as well. Think they don't?? Think again. When you're constantly operating with a spirit of excellence you're peers can't get enough of you. It's like popularity serum. Whether they can fix their lips to say it or not, they are always impressed with you because you always deliver, and you do it in a way they wished they could. You, without even knowing it, have become their example, their measuring stick. And isn't that about the highest compliment one person can give another? To know that you operate in such a way that your friends aspire to be like you? That's kind of amazing if you think about it.

And if you're still not quite getting it, let me spell a few things out for you. Spirit of Excellence. I think I heard it said once that, “Personality is who you are in front of others. Integrity is who you are when no one's looking.” And THAT'S what I'm talking about. I'm talking about that razor-sharp integrity. I'm talking about behaving as if someone is always watching, because, in truth, someone always is. I'm talking about not littering, returning your grocery cart to it's rightful place as opposed to haphazardly leaving it in the parking lot. I'm talking about returning things in the condition they were given to you when you've borrowed something – well for some, let's just start with returning the item(s). I'm talking about giving your friend gas money when they've given you a ride. I'm talking about taking pride in your appearance, and it's got nothing to do with the names on the tags. Neat, clean, presentable, and odor-free have no name brand. I'm talking about knowing how to listen and not having to always be the one shouting your point of view. I'm talking about letting important people in your life know they're special to you.

All of these things are intangibles that go such a long way. And though they may not come easy to you at first, they soon will with repetition, because the results speak loud and clear for themselves. It's the small touches and the little extras that will make you stand out. Before long everyone and their mother will be calling on you to assist them with this or that project. Because they know and you've proven that when you get involved you don't stop until you've produced the best. I call it your A+ attitude, and I'm asking you to take it with you everywhere you go.

My name is Jasmynne Shaye, and this is me STEPPING ON A FEW TOES

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